My mental health has been a struggle the last year, since having my third and last baby. The adjustment from 2 to 3 children was and IS really hard. Not just that but I wasn’t getting enough rest before the baby due to a virus and my heart giving me issues. I have always struggled with anxiety but I have, until the birth, managed it pretty well. Flash forward to February and I’ve come to terms with the fact that my yelling at my kids all the time wasn’t because of them it was because of me. My anxiety and stress levels were way to high. No one likes to be around me, I didn’t even like me. Who wants to yell at their kills all the time. I realized that I was wasting precious time with my kids because I was stressed or worriying over something too much. Took myself to the doctor and go back on Celexa (I took it for about a year in my early 20s). It was so fantastic! I was able to calm myself better. My constant need to clean and organize things because it helped my anxiety was less pronounced, it was really good. Then my husband started working super long hours. The evenings are the hardest because my daughter’s ADHD meds have ran out and it’s bedtime, on my own. Nearly at my breaking point, I finally decided, per doctor ok, to take double my dosage. And holy crap it’s so awesome. I am so much more relaxed AND I’ve noticed a huge amount of energy too. I’m able to have patience for things going crazy while I unpack and rearrange things in the house with the kids around and still write/edit my script. I felt like sharing because I know there are plenty of women/moms out there who may need to hear (read) it. Too much yelling at your kids and spouse is a sign of anxiety. Take care of you and talk to your doctor. You don’t have to do medication like I did, there are other ways to help you.
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